What is Naturopathy?
Naturopathy is the application of a broad range of natural therapies to promote healing.
Such therapies may be used on their own or alongside standard western medical practices. These treatments provide a reduced risk of the side effects often associated with pharmaceutical preparations. John’s deep knowledge of conventional medicines allows for the safe use of natural preparations whilst clients continue with their usual medication.
The Naturopath may use techniques such as proper nutrition, vitamin/mineral therapy, herbal medicine, deep relaxation, stress management, exercise, posture, proper breathing and adequate rest. Naturopaths may also, if deemed appropriate, refer people for osteopathy, acupuncture, massage, reflexology, psychotherapy or hypnotherapy. In all cases Naturopathy subscribes to the principle that the body can heal itself if given the appropriate conditions.
The whole person – body, mind and spirit – is treated, not just the disease itself. The Naturopath addresses the causes of ill health and supports the body’s own healing processes rather than merely suppressing the symptoms.
At a time when modern hectic lifestyles, environmental pollution, bad diets and stress play an enormous role, Naturopathy is gaining in importance. The latest surveys in the U.K. have found that 81% of the population prefer natural medicine. With chronic ailments especially, the Naturopath is increasingly the last resort in a patient’s long search for health. Naturopathy may often be able to treat conditions for which the western medical establishment has limited success or interest.
Prevention is always the best treatment. By using a range of methods of diagnosis, Naturopathy can often successfully identify predispositions in the body, before the onset of acute disease. This allows time for lifestyle adjustments and the use of specific preventative therapies.
John Doran
Pharmacist, Herbalist, Naturopathic Consultant
email: John@naturopathysolutions.com
phone: +353 1 2693684